The annual Pebble Beach Sports Car Club Polar Bear run was held on Saturday morning, 22 February, 2020.
by: Markus Woehler

Although the weather remained at very normal and moderate central California temperatures, there was no rain and no snow but cool enough to at least force people to bundle up a little.

To the organizer’s surprise, almost 35 cars showed up at the starting point in Salinas with over 50 people signing waivers and intending to go to lunch.

We ran out of printed directions and ran out of space for waiver signatures…..all signs of a very well attended event.

The route toured some rough roads through the Salinas farm lands including some surprise early morning sprinklers.

The tour continued through Castroville, Prunedale, the Elkhorn Slough, Aromas and then finally a long string of cars through the Main streets of San Juan Bautista.

The only difficulty we encountered was the extreme long line of cars and maneuvering through traffic in order to keep all of the participants together. Some cars began to overheat as a result of waiting for others to catch up and the pace was a bit too slow for some.

Otherwise it was a very well received tour through our beautiful local area, capped by an excellent lunch at Dona Esther’s, lots of conversation and reacquainting with fellow club members.

Thank you to all that participated, brought out their sports cars and made this a very successful first club outing for 2020.
2019 Christmas Party
By Sandi Miller
First off I want to thank everyone who came out to celebrate with us this year. Lots of good food and good people. We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and hope to see you in the new year.

Picnic at The Pits
By: Sandi Miller
On March 16th 22 hardy members of the Pebble Beach Sports Car Club gathered for the annual Picnic in the Pits pot luck lunch.

This has become an annual event held at WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca in conjunction with HMSA’s spring opener vintage race.

Along with the 22 for lunch the club which had five members racing, five crewing and two working registration.

Weather was perfect and a good time was had by all. Lets keep the tradition going.
How to run and win this year’s Nacimiento Rallye Revival
The traditional format for P.B.S.C.C.’s Nacimiento Rallye was always Time, Speed & Distance, sometimes referred to as TSD or simply T&D. The route was straightforward with no “course-following traps” because the original organizers felt the route itself was challenge enough.
In a basic T&D rally, each team is given a set of route instructions that include assigned average speeds that are to be maintained during the run of the course. The rallymaster chooses speeds that consider local traffic conditions and legal speed limits.
Along the course participants encounter checkpoints at unidentified locations where their time is taken. Penalty points are awarded for either early or late arrival.
This type of event puts pressure on navigators because they need to keep the driver on course while continually calculating whether or not they are running on-time.
This year:
The Nacimiento Rallye will be run as a T&D but without manned checkpoints. Checkpoint locations will be clearly identified in the route instructions with
Teams are to calculate what the elapsed time should be for each leg. Scoring will be based on how accurately each Team follows the course and calculates the elapsed time for each leg based on the assigned average speeds.
This eliminates the pressure of running on-time, all the time. How fast or slow you drive the course is irrelevant.
Odometer Adjustment:
In order to be competitive, you’ll need to do a little math. It’s unlikely that the odometer in your car will match that of the rallymaster since the course has been measured using a calibrated electronic odometer with precision to .001 miles. To help you match the rallymaster’s odometer the rally begins with a 10-mile odometer check. After running the odometer check your odometer reading needs to be compared to the official mileage. This simple formula gives you a correction factor:
Official mileage ÷ your odometer reading = mileage correction factor
Multiplying your odometer reading by this factor should then match the odometer reading of the rallymaster.
For example, at the end of the odometer check your odometer reads 9.3 miles. By the formula, 10 ÷ 9.3 = 1.075. Keep this 1.075 factor handy.
Using the odometer adjustment:
Leg starts are identified in the route instructions with a
As an example, you start the first leg with an assigned average speed of 35 mph. You follow the course to the next speed change and note you have traveled 8.5 miles by your odometer. Multiply that 8.5 by 1.075 (your factor) and you’ll see the official mileage is 9.14 miles for that section.
Time Calculation:
Next you need to know how long a mile takes at the assigned speed. By the formula:
60 ÷ Avg. Speed = Minutes per Mile
At 35 mph you’d travel 1.714 miles per minute (60 ÷ 35). So, 9.14 miles at 35 would take 15.67 minutes (1.714 * 9.14) or 15:40 (15 minutes 40 seconds).
If the leg has additional average speed assignments simply repeat the above process for each speed section then add those results together at the end of the leg. That result is the elapsed time for the leg (by your calculation) and should be filled in on your score card.
As an example, a Leg may be broken into 3 sections run at 45 mph, 60 mph and 40 mph respectively. You note the following mileages for each speed section:
Speed Miles (your odo) | Miles (corrected) | Min./mile | Time |
45 6.5 miles | 6.99 miles | 1.333 | 9.32 |
60 5.0 miles | 5.38 miles | 1.000 | 5.38 |
40 25.4 miles | 27.31miles | 1.500 | 40.97 |
Total leg time | 55.67 min or 55:40 |
If you’re using a trip odometer you can simply reset to zero at each instructed speed change but be sure to record the mileage to that point first.
You record the elapsed time for each leg on your score card in minutes like 55.67 in the above example. You could also convert the .67 minute to seconds if you wish (.67 * 60 = 40). The rallymaster will accept either but you’ll need to indicate which method you are using on the score card.
Alternative to an odometer correction factor:
Some rallyists prefer to adjust the average speeds instead of an odometer adjustment. In that case you’d use the formula:
Your odometer reading ÷ official mileage = speed correction factor
Then multiply the assigned average speeds by that factor to adjust for your odometer’s error. One advantage of this method is that it allows you to adjust all the speeds for the entire rally after the odometer check and odometer readings need no modification.
Using the example above:
Your speed correction factor would be 0.93 (9.3 ÷ 10), so the assigned speeds would be corrected as follows:
Speed Speed(corrected) Miles(your odo)|Min./Mile Time
45 41.85 6.5 1.434 9.32
60 55.80 5.0 1.075 5.38
40 37.20 25.4 1.613 4.97
Total leg time 55.67 minutes
As you can see the total leg time result is the same.
Remember only the Rallye Class will be eligible for awards and the winning member’s name will be forever engraved on the Ed Leslie Perpetual Trophy.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at
2019 Polar Bear Run
By Warren Pierce
What do an Alfa GTV, Aston Martin Vantage, Audi TT, Barracuda, BMW, Cadillac SRX, MGBGT and a Subaru all have in common? All these cars participated in the Polar Bear Run on Saturday Feb 16th. The rules for the run were simple, top down no heater for convertibles, windows down air conditioning on for tin tops, ice cream at the end of the run.

The unlikely trio.

Alfa in the rain: Courage

The Italian stealing the spotlight


A British supermodel stealing the spotlight.

The unfair advantage.


Taking advantage of the nice weather we departed for a scenic drive through the outskirts of Salinas to Old Stage Road. Following Old Stage Road along the foot hills east of town past the old Kaiser plant, past ranches and houses, dodging pot holes and puddles.

The daring survivors.

After the lead car, MGBGT, almost gets wiped out by a pickup we turn right onto San Juan Grade Rd for the climb up the grade. The road is in good shape and has a nice view of the Salinas valley until we reach the San Benito County line at the crest of the grade. Things are down hill from there, pun intended, as the road is potholed and patched as it winds through the oak trees. Arriving in San Juan Bautista we have a nice lunch at Dona Esters Mexican restaurant where ice cream is replaced by margaritas!

Now time for the real reason we all did this.

Over all I’d say the event was a success. The turn out was good and the drive was very enjoyable (pot holes and kamikaze truck aside). Once again I want to thank everyone that participated, and of course one last round of car pictures for the road.

A rag tag group of brave men and women

Two stars sharing the spot light.

One of these things is not like the other…

Ssshh I’m a sports car!

Just enjoying the view.
2018 PBSCC Christmas Party
By: Sandi Miller First off I want to thank everyone who came out to celebrate with us this year. Lots of good food and good people. We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and hope to see you in the new year. The decorations where wonderful as well as the new room we were in this year.
Good times with some good friends, and engaging conversations.
And of course who can forget the wonderful food and drinks.
On a final note this year the Board of Directors established the Esther Carlyle Participant of the Year Award. Esther was a long time member of the Pebble Beach Sports Car Club, joining in 1959 and she was the treasurer when the Club went dormant in 1985 but kept the corporate and tax paperwork current until the Club started up again 1996 and continued as treasurer for many years after that. The criteria for the award are attendance at meetings, participation in events, putting on events representing the Club by volunteering at community functions. This year’s award is given to both Anthony Jimenez and Marisa Martinez for stepping up and redoing the website and keeping it current and for their work overseeing Cars and Coffee at Laguna Seca. Congratulations to Anthony and Marisa.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!!
2018 PBSCC Thanksgiving Lunch & Toy Drive
By: Anthony Jimenez
First I’d like to thank Steve and Wendy Fields for once again hosting this wonderful event. As always this event was one of the high lights the year. To kick things off there was of course the mandatory impromptu car show on the driveway.
Fallowed immediately by the always popular cocktail hour.
It was so nice conversing with everyone it was easy to lose track of time. So many friendly faces so little time.
And of course lets not forget the star attraction and the main event, the food, and there was quite a the spread. There was way more than enough to go around although I did hear the turkey went quick.
Not to be out done dessert was next and what a selection. Full or not it was hard to resist not taking more than one slice.
Thanks to everyone that participated in the toy drive we had quite a turn out.
And as always one more look at the cars before we part.
Again thank you so much to Steve and Wendy for hosting this event. It was a great time and the food was spectacular. Special thanks to Jim Eckhart, Frank d’Aquanno, Mike Hayworth, Monica
Nathan and Warren. And Mike Burger, Frank and Mike Hayworth for showing up
at 10 that morning to set up the tables and canopies. Hope to see you all next time.
Photo Rally 2018
A tour of the back-roads of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties
Saturday October 20, 2018

Join us for our annual rally event A new look for this year’s rally.
In the past, the photo rally has featured written, turn-by-turn route instructions with a fist-full of photos to find along the way. To be competitive, teams had to drive the route slowly to locate each photo, sometimes too slowly for safety.
For this year’s event each team will be given several maps accompanied by route instructions that feature photos containing clues to each photo’s location. Teams then determine their own route to those locations. As in the past, the photos will be missing some information that teams need to gather as they locate each photo. In addition, there will be a timing element at Checkpoints along the route.
No special equipment is needed. Bring pens/pencils and a clock or watch. A clip board can be handy as well. The rally will finish at the Gizdich Ranch berry farm.
START: We’ll meet at the parking lot next to the Nifty 50 Café at 1760 Fremont Blvd. (at Echo) in Seaside. Come early and have breakfast or coffee before the start.
TIME: Registration opens 9:30 a.m. Drivers meeting at 10 a.m. First Car Out at 11:01 a.m.
Please RSVP to Tim Errington and if you have additional questions please contact Tim.
Call or Text (831) 293-4570 or e-mail to
Drive To Big Sur
By: Anthony Jimenez
We started our journey by gathering at the bottom of the main entrance of WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca off hwy 68 for a drivers meeting following the Monterey Cars and Coffee event that morning.

It was a bright beautiful day as the cars started gathering around slowly to make what would become our caravan for the trip.

After everyone had showed up, we all gathered around for a group photo before we set out on our journey.
The road there was amazing, lots of sun and beautiful scenery a plenty (sorry no photo of that… I was driving).

Once there we did our best to park together in the same lot before you made our way to the Big Sur River Inn & Restaurant for a bit of brunch.

Once seated we were greeted by a friendly server how took our drink orders as conversations around the table began to strike up from all sides.

Aside from the long wait time the food was delicious and in large quantities. I ordered the try tip sandwich and by the looks of things, this was going to be an adventure of its own, “sorry body”.

It was such a beautiful day we all decided to hang out just a little longer after the meal just to enjoy our afternoon and good company a little more.

Thanks to Dean and Monica for organizing this event and here’s to many more events like these in the future.
By: Joe Chudy
Many thanks to Michael and Cathy Rippey and her family for having us enjoy the afternoon at their home!
“Yes, this is what I had for lunch, PLUS some appetizers before and luscious desserts afterward. There goes the diet!”
Presentation of check to PBSCC by Cathy O’Brien and the Monterey Ski and Social Club in honor of Bill O’Brien
Oh yes, there were desserts!
One of the pastry chefs in our fabulous group:
And then there were the cars. Not a bad PBSCC Car Show!
And the Rippey’s Play House. Everything you might want, but indoor plumbing, I heard!
By Sandi Miller.
The Pebble Beach Sports Car Club’s July event was dinner at Fandango’s restaurant in Pacific Grove.

31 club members enjoyed a full course dinner. We were able to choose from three entrees along with a delicious
salad and to top it off a scrumptious coffee/ice cream dessert, a good time was had by all.

Well done to Monica Nathan and Dean Craig for arranging this event!

Mark Your Calendars!!!
for this year’s
24 Hours of Le Mans Party
When: 16 June 2018
Starting 3:30 PM
Dinner starts at 6:00 PM (Brats and Sauerbarten)
Ending: Whenever
Crepes Dessert at 10ish (Grand Marnier crepe stall)
For more information contact Dean Craig Here
PBSCC Cambria Tour
Back in the ’60’s and ’70’s, one of the yearly events held by Pebble Beach Sports Car
Club was the Annual Sleeping Bag and Survival Tour. Not for the faint of heart, club
members ventured forth in various means of transportation, some sketchy while others
fairly roadworthy, packed with foods and means for fire, sleeping bags and pillows
stuffed in various nooks and crannies, with Tour leaders heading the pack to parts
unknown. Dirt roads or paved, it didn’t matter a whit as various destinations were
reached by nightfall. Some years it was Yosemite or the Sierras while others had us
closer to the Monterey Peninsula. One year it was Boonville near Mendocino for their
Boonville Festival complete with speaking in Boontling (a weird and special language
known only to the locals). No matter where everyone ended up, it was fun if your
version of fun involved sleeping on dirt and rocks, freezing your butts off, no showers for three days, toilets, like some of the cars, also sketchy, and food supplies running short
all the while us thinking that Donner Party group might have been on to something.

In the late-’70’s, motorhomes became the norm. So did hotel rooms. And showers and real live flushing toilets. And restaurants. The Sleeping Bag and Survival Tour took on the look of an RV Park and those that braved it sleeping bag style looked askance at those living the Winnebago high life thinking how things had changed. In the ’80’s, the Bags ceased to be and it was vans and RV’s. Then the weekend died … or did it?
Fast forward to the present and overall PBSCC has become a kinder gentler club. Our membership isn’t the competitive folks of yore but more so ones that like to enjoy their cars and also the people that own them. Gone are the events such as the TSD and Monte Carlo Rallyes, the Autocrosses, our not-for-the-faint-of-heart Rallye “The Nacimiento Rallye” which if you never ran one, was really something. An occasional Wine Tour has been held but the signature Rallyes have evolved into Tours with basic rallye instructions.
For 2018, the Tour had two clubs traveling on back-roads with about ten seconds of freeway, PBSCC and the Cypress MG Club. Steve Kellogg planned this year’s Tour to Cambria and we left Carmel promptly at 10am. We had eight cars ranging from a Mazda MX5, a couple of nice MG’s, a Jaguar and an Alfa, some late-model Mopar products, and an uber cool C3 Corvette. Route instructions were easy to follow and well laid out.

Heading down Carmel Valley Road, we twisted and turned navigating the roads leading us through shade trees, fields of cattle, and gorgeous wildflowers.

Once we cleared the canyons of Carmel Valley, we entered US 101 south of Greenfield and almost immediately exited onto Jolon Rd. in King City for a splash of fuel.

A brief stop for fuel and back on the roads to the Interlake areas (San Antonio/ Nacimiento Lakes) to our second stop at Rock ’n Robles Pizza for well-deserved human sustenance.

After bellies were sated, we left the lunch stop and continued south, then west, on more backroads before ending up on Hwy 46 West to drop down to Hwy 1 just north of Cambria. On this last section, we traveled past several world-class wineries with a few of us thinking this might just be a subject of yet another Tour.

Our destination, Cambria Pines Lodge, was campus-style for rooms and we found ours really nice. The room was clean with all the amenities and most, if not all, of the rooms had a fireplace. Breakfast was part of the lodging and what was also nice was a lowered room price just for us Tour participants. The staff was exceptionally nice and took excellent care of us. Vicki Kellogg and I decided on an impromptu visit into Cambria
proper for some sightseeing and shopping but the only way down was via a log staircase of about 257 steps all of which were down the backside of the mountain.
I found this somewhat cool; Vicki … not so much. Shopping needs satisfied, we decided on an alternate route back up on the side of the main road. About 100 feet into this decision, we both realized that death by automobile was imminent and after crossing the road and hightailing it over the guardrail (this is a mountain after all), found a path that was fairly safe. Also of note was Vicki not having a clue what poison oak looks like and I pointed it out at every step thereby saving her a night of meeting Itchy McScratchy. I found a really cool Porsche Can-Am poster (an original one, I think) at an Antique shop, bought it, and gave it to Dave that evening.

On our own for dinner that Friday evening, several ventured into Cambria while others stayed at Cambria Pines. Quite noteworthy was the Lemon Merengue Pie at Linn’s in Cambria.

Next morning, we enjoyed hotel breakfast and then headed on yet another Tour from Cambria up and over the rough and narrow Santa Rosa Rd. This road crossed Hwy 46 and most of the caravan continued south.

Dave and I turned towards some wineries but apparently few open before 11 and being 9:45, that gave us opportunity to visit Templeton and then see a Gem Show at the Paso Robles Fairgrounds. Looking at rocks (some were pretty cool) and other geological stuff can only occupy so much time so when we were done there, we met everyone at Firestone Brewery in South Paso Robles for lunch and libations.

Afterwards, we got to tour PBSCC member, Jeff Sines’ wonderful collection of cars. His “House on the Hill” with the fabulous garages full of automotive coolness was the highlight of the weekend.

Steve also arranged a real-deal Santa Maria style BBQ. Now if you haven’t a clue what this entails, think of marinated Tri-Tip, grilled chicken, fresh green beans, mashed potatoes, salad with fixin’s, garlic breads and butter, and finished with wonderful carrot (or chocolate if you were allergic to walnuts) cake.

With the hotel bar just down the stairs, we were set for the evening. Several of us stayed for the live music in the bar while others called it a night.
Sunday morning, we again met in front of Cambria Pines to determine routes for home. Several chose to drive the shortest route, up and over Hwy 46 to continue north on US 101 while a few others peeled off on Jolon Rd. to find the famed Nacimiento-Fergusson Rd. that pretzel’d its way down, down, and down the mountain before dumping it’s automotive contents onto Hwy 1. Those that braved Nacimiento-Fergusson headed North and after stopping for a late lunch in Big Sur, arrived back on the Monterey Peninsula and home.

In closing, what really struck me in a good way was how mannerly we caravanned. No traveling at 90+ mph pissing off locals or leaving those behind in a cloud of dust … or oil … or coolant. And as for the oil or coolant, Dave and I were the sweep car and behind the MGB and Alfa. Puffs of smoke preceded lubrication smells and it was a toss-up on which car was the originator. Our first fuel stop in King City solved the mystery … the Alfa won the OPEC award. Dave also commented on how nice this Tour was as in years past, another marque club had a Tour and there were two groups, the Slow Guys and the Haul Butt Guys. The Haul Butt’s did just that and while all ended up good for them, by the time the Slow’s got to the areas where the Butt’s had pissed off the locals, rocks were thrown in appreciation of their fine displays of speed and exuberance with several finding their marks. Thankfully, PBSCC isn’t “That Group …”